Insurance Summary
MACIF insurance for members and volunteers of TMA 31
MULTI-GUARANTEE FOR SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Association covering insurance of activities and goods for: Theatre Music Action 31
All members and volunteers are insured. Association Guarantees (la protection de l'association) Non- sports
General Civil Liability for accidental injury or damage caused to a third person during the following activities:
General functioning, organisation and running of association activities
Festivities organised
Furniture, goods, equipment & facilities used during activities
Animals owned or looked after by the association
The action of members or volunteers carried out in the course of their duties
Staff provided by the State for any event
Sale of drinks and various products
Civil Liability for Corporate Officers
In the event of administrative errors
Custodian Liability
For goods entrusted or rented to insured for less than 180 days
Personal Guarantees (la Protection des Personnes)
Invalidity - according to level of invalidity
Death & funeral costs 6,400€ per adult and 1,600€ per child.
Reimbursement of funeral costs: max 1,600€
Medical costs up to 500€, of which 80€ for optical needs
Loss of salary/revenue: 365 days limit with indemnity according to salary & activity
For a copy of the full insurance policy please contact the committee